Happy Father’s Day 2024

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post about any horror movies. Seeing as it’s Father’s Day and people might be relaxing at Grandpa’s house, I thought I’d make a Scariest Dads of Horror list, in case you were worried your family was a buncha weirdos.

The guys on this list range from deranged psychotic killers to demonically possessed deranged killers. All of them have killed somebody, or several bodies, but those who try to kill their own family especially take the cake, cuz if Daddy wants to kill you, what chance do you have out there in the real world?

Scariest Dads of Horror

Monthly Haiku Corner – June

Happy Summerween! June is beach-going weather. June is creature feature time! Actually, I despise hot temps, so you won’t catch me down by the ocean past 10am. I prefer air conditioned movie theaters and I know what lurks in the chemically-altered plastic-filled nuclear waters. So, I dedicate this month to all the monsters, the werewolves, vampires, zombies, Jaws, Piranha, the kaiju, like Godzilla, Ghidorah, King Kong, all the eldritch horror of Lovecraft and the monsterous creations from the King of B-roll, Roger Corman, who passed away last month at the tender age of 98. May he long rest in peace. Halloween is creeping into retail stores and this season is gonna be big! I can feel it.

something sinister
lurks beneath the water

Monthly Haiku Corner – May

The recent flood of Halloween images swarming my social media has filled my little dark heart with happiness. So, for May, let’s continue celebrating the halfway point to Halloween. This month’s theme is Dreaming of Halloween.

lost in a dream,
paper jack-o-lanterns
and witches’ cackles.


Happy 6th Anniversary to Halloween Horror Haiku!

This month marks the 6th anniversary of Halloween Horror Haiku. While, I’ve stepped back this year to focus on work and my health, I do still post new haiku once a month and on special occasions.

I want to thank everyone for stopping by to check out my blog. Originally, I was going to do a traditional haiku challenge and run a contest for a few weeks, but time constraints keep me from posting as often as I’d like this month. So, instead, I’m holding a flash haiku challenge for 24 hours, starting at 12pm PST on April 30th until 12pm PST on May 1st.

Since April 30th also marks the official halfway point to Halloween and Walpurgisnacht or Witch’s Night, our themes for the contest will be Halfway to Halloween or Witch’s Night. Your original haiku must feature one of the two themes to qualify. Traditional haiku rules apply. Good luck!


Only 3 haiku permitted per contestant. You may post here in the comments section or on Instagram or Threads. Don’t forget to use #halloweenhaikuchallenge in your social media posts AND tag me! @halloweenhorrorhaiku

Please see Contest Rules and Eligibility Page for more details.


1st Place Winner wins a Halloween prize pack, retail valued at $50 (see contents below). 2nd and 3rd place winners will win a Halloween Disney Pin from 2022 season and their choice from the Halloween Grab Bag. I’m emptying the grab bag, so this is a great chance to nab a Disney Halloween pin collectible for free!

1st Place Winner Halloween Prize Pack: Wilton Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Halloween Non-stick Cake Pan (1); choice of a collectible Haunted Mansion Bride pin, Mickey Halloween Pin, or Mickey and Minnie Halloween pin set from 2023 season (1); Disney Halloween magnet from 2022 season (1) and some Spooksieboo springtime spooky stickers.

2nd & 3rd Place Winners: 1 Collectible Disney Halloween Pin and a grab bag item, plus some Spooksieboo springtime spooky stickers.

Thanks again for all your love and support! Only a few more months until the unofficial 2024 Halloween season is upon us! It’s gonna be big. I can feel it!

Monthly Haiku Corner – Halfway til Halloween

Today, April 8th is auspicious! There’s a solar eclipse happening. If you miss it, the next one comes around August 23, 2044. Actually, all of April is special because it marks the halfway point til Halloween and the 6th anniversary of Halloween Horror Haiku. I’ll post more on anniversary celebrations later. For now, finish making your fancy glasses and step outside to watch the universe wink at you, puny human.

the moon blocks the sun
eclipse of sight and feelings
months ’til Halloween

Happy World Storytelling Day!

I always love March because it gives me a chance to mention my favorite spooky creature, the headless horseman. You mean the guy from that story with Ichabod? Yes, that guy! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow written by Washington Irving was most likely inspired by the legendary Dullahan, a menacing spectre of Irish lore, that travels the countrysides of Ireland and Scotland, collecting souls of the recently departed.

The Dullahan is a demonic fairy or wicked hobgoblin, often accompanied by a wailing banshee, and typically depicted riding a black horse, carrying his head under one arm and a whip made of boney human spine in the hand of the other. When the Dullahan calls out your name, death is nigh. It’s also said that just hearing or seeing the Dullahan is an omen that a death in the family is immenient.

Sometimes, the headless horseman is drives a silent black carriage, known as the coiste bodhar (Ireland) or the hell wain (Scotland), which is led by six black horses and emerges out of nowhere from the dark night sky. Legend says once the death coach sets out, it can never return empty, but if you carry even a single gold coin in your pocket, you have nothing to fear, for supposedly, any item made of real gold can send the Dullahan away. However, if you steal the entire pot of fairies’ gold, well…look to the skies.

Of all the Irish legends, the story of the Dullahan is by far the scariest, again, inspiring the legendary Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow and countless other stories, books, movies, comics, video games, you name it. There are four movies featuring the Dullahan or coiste bodhar, the banshee, and other creatures that I absolutely adore and highly recommend. Be sure to move these into your queue:

Walt Disney’s Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, 1949

Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, 1999

Darby O’Gill and the Little People

The Phantom Carriage, 1921 (silent)

St Patrick’s day may have past, but we can keep the mythical stories of Irish folklore alive all year long.

Monthy Haiku – March

I always love March because it gives me a chance to mention my love of my favorite spooky creature, the headless horseman. You mean the guy from that story with Icabod? Yes, that guy! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washibgton Irving was based off old Irish legend of the Dullahan, a spectre of Irish lore who drives the death coach, collecting souls of the recently departed. 

stolen fairy gold
the dullahan’s midnight ride
death coach approaches

Cannibal Love: Top Ten Movies about Cannibals

Cannibal horror has been around since the pre-code days of Hollywood with films like Sweeney Todd and Doctor X. Once the Motion Picture Production Code was passed in 1930, the taboo subject was once again off the table. Then, in the 1970s, the subgenre came roaring back to life when Italian film directors cooked up a period in horror, known as the cannibal boom.

Despite any commercial success or artistic merits in filmmaking, many of these movies were exploitation films that took extreme gore and sexual violence to another level. Controversial films like Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox were banned in several countries for scenes depicting bigotry, xenophobia, racism, sexism, sexual violence, and animal cruelty. In fact, not long after its release, Cannibal Holocaust director Ruggero Deodato was arrested on murder charges and accused of making a snuff film. All the actors had to appear in court before the judge to prove they were very much alive, but that did little to save the cast and crew’s reputation, as the public learned many animal killings in the film were real. Shock films are one thing, but ripping the heads of turtles? Human beings can do better. It’s for this reason, I choose to leave these films off my list.

  • 1. Raw
  • 2. Bones and All*
  • 3. Ravenous
  • 4. Fresh
  • 5. Bone Tomahawk
  • 6. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974
  • 7. Wrong Turn
  • 8. Parents*
  • 9. Hannibal
  • 10. Delicatessen

*These titles reflect February’s theme of cannibals in love.

Monthly Haiku Corner – February

Valentines is the epitome of an overcommercialized holiday. It imposes on parents, encourages sexual stereotypes, enables predatory behavior, and obstracizes the lonely, making them feel worse than they already do. Cue the horror fans, who have basically hijacked February to be our second Halloween. Nothing wrong with love, enjoy your flowers. My couples advice though, stay clear of small intimate restaurants next to dark alleys. This month’s theme is cannibals in love.

nibbling hunger
romantic dinner for two
cannibals in love