Top Ten Horror Movies with an Antichrist Theme

January is the month of rebirth and renewal. No one takes this more seriously than Satan himself. Lucifer’s been looking for ways to escape Hell since the dawn of time and what better way than to create a mini-me of evil. That doesnt bode well planet Earth, cuz once the devil is free, the forces of evil will unite to destroy the human race for good, or so the story goes…

Filmmakers have been using the spawn of Satan as a horror trope or a theme since before Technicolor, but only a true film master can make audiences feel like they need an exorcism after watching a film. These are my picks for the top ten movies invoking the Antichrist

  1. The Omen, 1976
  2. Prince of Darkness, 1987
  3. Rosemary’s Baby, 1968
  4. Angel Heart, 1987
  5. The Devil’s Advocate, 1997
  6. When Evil Lurks, 2023
  7. Omen II, 1978
  8. Final Conflict, 1981
  9. The Vatican Tapes, 2015
  10. Holocaust 2000, 1977


Monthly Haiku Corner – January

New Year. New You. New me!

Time gets the best of all of us, but if starting anew can happen any day of the year, why do we wait for January? Do we really need time’s permission to change? The only thing it’s time to do is toss out old thinking. The theme this January is about rebirth.

shedding old skin
talons ripping through the flesh
birth of a monster

Happy New Year, 2024!

Welcome 2024!

I’ve been taking my time and thinking about my goals for this year. No big resolutions to reveal, only a promise to myself to write more spooky stories and find ways to hold myself accountable. I suppose I could walk a little more, eat more salads, and be kinder to all people, including myself, but’s the closest to resolutions that you’ll hear me say.

It was fun to post themed haiku last year, even when I strayed from my original idea of posting connecting haiku into bonafide story. Great idea in the beginning, but I struggled a lot due to work constraints. Nevertheless, I’m quite proud of the fact that I wrote new, original haiku every week for a year. 

This year, I’m determined to blog a little less and only post a Monthly Haiku Corner with a spooky haiku each month. I’ll continue to post themed haiku for holidays, special events, or whenever inspiration strikes, and of course, I will still post horror movie lists, for all those looking for recommendations, because these are my first loves and I enjoy blogging about them. 

As always, I wish everyone good health, love, joy, happiness, and prosperity throughout 2024.

Winners of the Holiday Haiku Challenge 2023

1st Place: Amy Lyford

2nd Place: Ad-Libby

Image created by Ad-Libby

I will directly contact winners to get mailing details or get prizes out. Please do not post personal information here or on social media.

Thank you for participating in the Holiday Haiku Challenge 2023.

Happy New Year!

13 Spooky Resolutions for 2024

Happy New Year! I personally never really keep resolutions. Do you? Seems unnecessary to kick off a year making promises that will only bring about future guilt. So, I’ve decided this year, I’m going to have a bit more fun with my resolutions and try to be spookier. Here’s a list of thirteen resolutions that encourages spooky fun, all while still tackling those normal promises for better health and wellness, financial savings, and cleaning up and all that!

May 2024 be a stellar year for everyone!

1. Watch more spooky movies.
2. Read more spooky books.
3. Listen to more spooky podcasts.
4. Clean up your Halloween decorations.
5. Donate or get rid of old Halloween costumes.
6. Learn to make Halloween food recipes.
7. Make a calendar of spooky events for the year.
8. Plan a vacation to somewhere spooky.
9. Plan out a big Halloween costume.
10. Make a Halloween junk journal.
11. Create a digital photo album of Halloween and holiday photos.
12. Learn some spooky spells and practice witchcraft.
13. Write a spooky story, haiku, or poetry.