Wicked Art Wednesdays – Diana Levin, Ghoulish Bunny Studios

Happy International Artist Day! Today we celebrate the dark fantasy art of Diana Levin of Ghoulish Bunny Studios!

Diana Levin’s art could be described as both whimsical and menacing. Her imaginative and unique style embrace death and horror, all while capturing the natural beauty of an enchanted forest or a fantastical world.

Diana and her author husband Shawn Givens travel around to different conventions and trade shows all over the USA. They’re two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Stop by and say hello!

Artist: Diana Levin
Company/Studio: Ghoulish Bunny Studios
Website: https://www.ghoulishbunnystudios.com/
Social Media: https://instagram.com/ghoulishbunnystudios or TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ghoulishbunnystudios

Enter the 5th Annual Halloween Haiku Challenge for a chance to win a witchy prize pack containing a canvas bag and an enamel pin featuring the art of Diana Levin!

Happy Caturday – November

First caturday in November is always the first after Halloween. Most jack-o-lanterns are still lounging around people’s porches. Mine unfortunately didn’t even last the weekend. I attribute that to the fast that I bought the pumpkin early this year and warm weather we had weeks ago.

Anyways, the theme this month is Halloween Encore. So, while the pumpkins might be ready for pie, we can leave our decorations up until it’s really time for Christmas.

Halloween Cat by Andrew Pokhalchuk

Andrew Pokhalchuk


Happy Caturday – August

What goes into a good spell? Mugwort? Thyme? Bat Wool? Dragon’s Blood? Most witches know the first and best ingredient is your intentions. What are you trying to achieve? Focus on that. Your intention is what makes the spell powerful. The rest of the ingredients can come from your kitchen, your garden, the Apothecary down the street, it doesn’t matter where you get them, as long as your intentions are good. Remember, you get back what you put out. And don’t forget to write it all down for next time.

The theme this month is a Witches Halloween Spellbook.

Witch Cat by Joao Vagner

Witch Cat by Joao Vagner inspires me to create some Halloween haiku with this month’s theme in mind.

To view more fangtastical art and purchase prints of this one, please go here: https://www.artstation.com/prints/canvas/MQOG/witch-cat

Happy Caturday – June

A Lykoi is a domestic shorthaired cat with a natural mutation. Lykoi sometimes are partially hairless, particularly in the face, giving them a werewolf-like appearance, hence the the name Lykoi, which means wolf in Greek.

Lykoi kitten (Werewolf cat)Iker Paz Studio

Lykoi kitten (Werewolf cat) designed by Iker Paz Studio

Where to purchase merchandise featuring this image: Red Bubble


Happy Caturday – March

March is the month dedicated to legendary creatures, from leprechauns to fairies, the Dullahan to selkies, these legends, myths, and stories touch upon almost every aspect of our lives, as we draw strength, belief, love, and courage from these mystical beings.

To buy prints or calendars from Apofissx, please go here: https://www.deviantart.com/apofiss

If you would like to support Apofissx through Patreon, please go here: https://www.patreon.com/apofiss

Happy Caturday – February

Okay, well our theme this February is love and death, but this wallpaper taken from wallpaperup.com is too cute to pass up for Caturday.

I cannot find artist information for this one. I absolutely believe in giving credit to these talented human beings, so if you know who created this wallpaper, please send me an email at Halloweenkristy@gmail.com or comment below with a link.

Happy Caturday – November

While searching for something to represent our theme this month of A Vampire’s Fall, I came across this dark and atmospheric artwork from Cutwir3 aka Ghostly Theater. This is a whole mood.


Artist: Cutwir3
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/cutwir3/

Where to purchase goods: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/eduardosantiago/vampire-cat/

Happy Caturday – October

Happy Halloween! This month we celebrate Halloween icons and the Black Cat is as synonymous with the holiday as the jack-o-lantern. Dark as night, cool, mysterious, irreverent guardians, it’s no wonder how they became so feared, blameful of calamity, and deemed witches’ familiars, cats simply appear to have their own agenda.

Witchy Black Halloween Cat by Regina Femrite

More art by Gina Femrite can be found here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/witchy-black-halloween-cat-gina-femrite.html

Happy Caturday – June 2021

One starry night, I saw a black cat looking up at the moon.

Do you think animals wonder about the moon? We certainly know lunar cycles have an affect on animal behaviors, but I can’t seem to find the answer to whether they admire the moon and star gaze like people.

World renowned artist Aja Trier picks up where van Gogh left off, by painting animals, landscapes, famous cities, and more under the infamous starry night. With titles like ‘The Haunting of van Gogh’ and ‘van Gogh Never Saw Las Vegas’, Ms. Trier is clearly inspired by the doomed Impressionist and her works are more tribute than imitation.

Artist: Aja Trier
Where to purchase goods: http://www.sagittariusgallery.com

Aja Trier’s art is sold online through her own gallery, places such as Fine Art America and private galleries around the globe, please see her website for details.