Best Horror Reboots/Remakes

January is almost over and few of us have kept our resolutions. Don’t worry, the year is still new and second chances can happen anytime. So, in keeping with that theme, here’s my picks for the best horror reboots/remakes.

Typically, I’m a big fan of the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  However, with the superior technological advances in both filmmaking and special effects, some reboots or remakes are pretty darn good, a few even surpass their predecessors. Let me know what you think.


10. Fright Night (1985/2011)

Yes, the characters aren’t half as charismatic as the original cast, but the acting talents of Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin, Toni Collette and David Tennant are what keep Fright Night from being a bad remake. While the story itself hasn’t changed much, the remake loses most of its humor, in favor of a more sardonic style, making the film more of a thriller.

Biggest Changes: Setting location moves from main town, USA to a glitzy suburb of Las Vegas. No more camp, just blood-thirsty vampires.


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Happy New Years!

It’s hard to believe that 2019 is already here. The holidays were such a blur. Just yesterday, we were celebrating Halloween, and now, it’s ten months away. If you’ve been stopping by weekly, I thank you for your support. If you’ve just stumbled upon this little blog for the first time, I welcome you.

I’m not big on resolutions, but I do anticipate to do bigger and better things than the previous year, so now, there’s only conjuring up the willpower to pull off the ideas that I have in my head. This year, you can expect more Halloween haikus, chilling stories, awesome horror movie lists, spooky artist showcases, and all the Halloween or spooky related stuff that we can dig up.

Halloween is bigger and more important than ever. The pagan ways are finding their roots again in a new generation of believers, and I believe Halloween is huge part of that revival. Halloweenophiles are growing in numbers and sharing their ideas with the rest of the world. Countries where Halloween didn’t previously exist, are now showing signs of celebrations. Plus, it’s the only holiday where fans like to keep the party going all year long. Every day is Halloween, we just go a little crazy in October.

I wish you all good fortune, peace and happiness this year. Keep believing in the magic of Halloween.

~ Halloween Kristy