Monthy Haiku – March

I always love March because it gives me a chance to mention my love of my favorite spooky creature, the headless horseman. You mean the guy from that story with Icabod? Yes, that guy! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washibgton Irving was based off old Irish legend of the Dullahan, a spectre of Irish lore who drives the death coach, collecting souls of the recently departed. 

stolen fairy gold
the dullahan’s midnight ride
death coach approaches

Happy Caturday – March

March is the month dedicated to legendary creatures, from leprechauns to fairies, the Dullahan to selkies, these legends, myths, and stories touch upon almost every aspect of our lives, as we draw strength, belief, love, and courage from these mystical beings.

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Happy Caturday – March 2021

March is a magical month. It’s women’s month. It’s a witches’ month. Winter is winding down and we should take time to relax and replenish a little before we get busy on spring tasks. I know 2021 was off to a shaky start, but I hope things are turning around, wherever you are.

When Eyes Turn Green -Art by Janie Olsen

Artist: Janie Olsen
Where to purchase goods: Janie Olsen’s art is only sold through galleries, please see her website for details and locations.