Recipe of the Month – July

One minute I was shuffling around my living room, worried about the current state of the world…

I suppose I could pour my heart and soul out, in another boring, feeble attempt to explain how summer depression disorder works, or, I could blame it on aliens. Lucky for you, I was totally kidnapped by aliens!

I don’t remember a thing, except when I woke up, a strange voice in my head told me to make these amazing Toy Story Alien Popcorn Balls found over at and binge-watch 5 seasons of CW’s The Originals, so that’s what I did.👽

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  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • ⅓ cup corn syrup
  • 1 cup unpopped popcorn (about 6 cups popped)
  • 1 tsp Neon Green GEL food coloring
  • 12 Candy Eyeballs


For the full recipe instructions, please visit here:

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Darkest Before the Dawn

I’ve been struggling with my writing for several days. Weeks, really. The summer blues have had a strangling hold on me this year. I had several ideas on how I wanted to approach this month’s blog post. At one point, I wrote out a long piece about suffering from summer depression. It read like a book report on Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it had nothing to do with Halloween.  As my deadline came and went, guilt followed, then, the shame of failure set in, and soon, it was hard to write anything at all, not even one of my goofy movie lists.

Group therapy 

I belong to a few Halloween groups around the web, wherever I can find like-minded creatures. Halloweenophiles always seem to find each other. It’s nice not to feel the burden of being the weirdo sometimes. It’s a sure bet, the second Halloween merch hits the stores, people post pictures and store locations. We know how to comfort each other, most importantly, we understand why it’s important to do so, no explanation needed.

it's time
©Sam Heimer

Sensing the buzz, off I went, in search of Halloween, looking for pumpkins, skeletons, black cats, and any sliver of orange and black. My local Michael’s did not disappoint.

Continue reading “Darkest Before the Dawn”