Happy Caturday – December

Have yourself a meowy little Christmas!

Pawzuph Black Horned Cat Hanging Decorative Ornament from Once Upon a Spell Gifts

ETSY SHOP: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OnceUponaspellGifts

Happy Caturday – November

First caturday in November is always the first after Halloween. Most jack-o-lanterns are still lounging around people’s porches. Mine unfortunately didn’t even last the weekend. I attribute that to the fast that I bought the pumpkin early this year and warm weather we had weeks ago.

Anyways, the theme this month is Halloween Encore. So, while the pumpkins might be ready for pie, we can leave our decorations up until it’s really time for Christmas.

Halloween Cat by Andrew Pokhalchuk

Andrew Pokhalchuk


Happy Caturday – October

Happy October! Best month of the year! It’s so exciting that there are going to be five Caturdays this October!

While looking for art, I came across this piece by Wendy Snow-Lang, an artist who lives in Salem, MA. It was so simple, yet intriguing. It’s entitled Trust and it felt perfect for our theme this October, dystopian Halloween.

Trust by Wendy Snow-Lang

For more art from Wendy Snow-Lang, please visit: https://instagram.com/theoctoberhouse1031?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

To purchase art: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheOctoberHouse1031?ref=profile_header

Happy Caturday – September

The theme this month is Halloween Memories. This September, I’m celebrating the return to Middle-Earth with the debut of Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power this past week on Amazon. One of my favorite memories is seeing The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring in the theaters.

Lucius by Kajenna

Artist Kajenna creates fabulous animal art and her Halloween cats are my fave. Lucius reminded me so much of Lord of the Rings, I just had to share.

For more amazing Kajenna art, visit here: https://www.deviantart.com/kajenna/art/Lucius-633886619

To purchase art prints: https://kajenna.weebly.com/#

Happy Caturday – August

What goes into a good spell? Mugwort? Thyme? Bat Wool? Dragon’s Blood? Most witches know the first and best ingredient is your intentions. What are you trying to achieve? Focus on that. Your intention is what makes the spell powerful. The rest of the ingredients can come from your kitchen, your garden, the Apothecary down the street, it doesn’t matter where you get them, as long as your intentions are good. Remember, you get back what you put out. And don’t forget to write it all down for next time.

The theme this month is a Witches Halloween Spellbook.

Witch Cat by Joao Vagner

Witch Cat by Joao Vagner inspires me to create some Halloween haiku with this month’s theme in mind.

To view more fangtastical art and purchase prints of this one, please go here: https://www.artstation.com/prints/canvas/MQOG/witch-cat

Happy Caturday – June

A Lykoi is a domestic shorthaired cat with a natural mutation. Lykoi sometimes are partially hairless, particularly in the face, giving them a werewolf-like appearance, hence the the name Lykoi, which means wolf in Greek.

Lykoi kitten (Werewolf cat)Iker Paz Studio

Lykoi kitten (Werewolf cat) designed by Iker Paz Studio

Where to purchase merchandise featuring this image: Red Bubble


Happy Caturday – March

March is the month dedicated to legendary creatures, from leprechauns to fairies, the Dullahan to selkies, these legends, myths, and stories touch upon almost every aspect of our lives, as we draw strength, belief, love, and courage from these mystical beings.

To buy prints or calendars from Apofissx, please go here: https://www.deviantart.com/apofiss

If you would like to support Apofissx through Patreon, please go here: https://www.patreon.com/apofiss

Happy Caturday – February

Okay, well our theme this February is love and death, but this wallpaper taken from wallpaperup.com is too cute to pass up for Caturday.

I cannot find artist information for this one. I absolutely believe in giving credit to these talented human beings, so if you know who created this wallpaper, please send me an email at Halloweenkristy@gmail.com or comment below with a link.