Happy Father’s Day 2024

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post about any horror movies. Seeing as it’s Father’s Day and people might be relaxing at Grandpa’s house, I thought I’d make a Scariest Dads of Horror list, in case you were worried your family was a buncha weirdos.

The guys on this list range from deranged psychotic killers to demonically possessed deranged killers. All of them have killed somebody, or several bodies, but those who try to kill their own family especially take the cake, cuz if Daddy wants to kill you, what chance do you have out there in the real world?

Scariest Dads of Horror

Monthly Haiku Corner – June

Happy Summerween! June is beach-going weather. June is creature feature time! Actually, I despise hot temps, so you won’t catch me down by the ocean past 10am. I prefer air conditioned movie theaters and I know what lurks in the chemically-altered plastic-filled nuclear waters. So, I dedicate this month to all the monsters, the werewolves, vampires, zombies, Jaws, Piranha, the kaiju, like Godzilla, Ghidorah, King Kong, all the eldritch horror of Lovecraft and the monsterous creations from the King of B-roll, Roger Corman, who passed away last month at the tender age of 98. May he long rest in peace. Halloween is creeping into retail stores and this season is gonna be big! I can feel it.

something sinister
lurks beneath the water