Friday Fright Nightcaps: Poison Apple Halloween Cocktail

October is National Apple Month! There are over 7,500 varities of apples in the world, only 100 of them commercially grown in the USA. My favorite is Granny Smith, cuz I love me some tart, which is also great for baking, but, it’s Friday, and today is all about finding the ultimate apple cocktail to celebrate the orchard during Halloween time! The Seaside Baker has the perfect Poison Apple Halloween Cocktail. It’s crisp, tart and totally green!

PoisonAppleHalloweenCocktail ©TheSeasideBaker


  • 1.5 ounces Vodka
  • 3/4 ounce Sour Apple Schnapp Liqueur
  • 3/4 ounce Sour Apple Mixer
  • Ice for shaking

For mixing instructions and garnish tips, please visit here:

I made my own version of the Poison Apple. Mine lacked in fancy dry ice but boy did I put a pucker on my face!

Poison Apple Halloween Cocktail by HalloweenKristy