Five Reasons Halloween Lovers Should Embrace Spring

Happy Spring!  Wiccans and pagans celebrate the vernal equinox in the Northern hemisphere,  the time when light and dark are balanced again. Now, I know that sunshine and flowers don’t exactly scream Halloween, nor appease goth lovers, but if nothing else, we are moving one step closer to Halloween, and that’s cause for celebration.


The Germanic goddess of spring and dawn returns. This girl knows how to party. She loves festivals, feasting, drinking, and sex!  Sex leads to babies and she is all about that. Ostara first showed up around the 8th century during festivals celebrating the vernal equinox. Details of actual worship are sketchy, but by the time the 19th century rolled around, she had become a permanent fixture in Germanic mythology. She represents fertility, healing, and rebirth, and is depicted as a radiant woman of childbearing years, wreathed or covered with blooming flowers, surrounded by rabbits, hares and other wildlife, and she brings absolute joy to those around her.  One cannot go wrong planting some seeds or painting some eggs in her honor.


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Wicked Art Wednesdays – Lisa Parker

World-renowned artist Lisa Parker hails from the U.K. and specializes in magical, fantasy, witchcraft and wildlife art.  Lisa’s artwork possesses vibrant colors and her passion for animals shines through every masterful brushstroke. Officially licensed with over 27 companies, including The Bradford Exchange, The Mountain (apparel), Nemesis Now, and Prime 3D Ltd., Lisa’s artwork is featured on numerous products, home goods, jewelry, puzzle games, stationery, tarot cards, and witchcraft collectibles.

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