Of Beaches and Monsters

‘Ber months may start tomorrow, but Summer isn’t over just yet. There’s still 23 days left to celebrate Summerween. I couldn’t decide which is scarier, horror films featuring spooky cabins or mysterious beaches. So, here’s a double list with the best of both worlds. From creature features to crazed killers, you can find all of these films streaming somewhere. Let me know which list you think has the scariest movies.

Haiku of the Week

Part V and the conclusion of May Mutant Monster series.

hunting the beast
following the blood trail

My Favorite Mutant Monster Movies

Speaking of mutations, a recent bout with Covid has been keeping me down, so I wasn’t able to write a proper movie post this month. I may still sneak one in.

Just trust me, this is a great list of the best mutant monster movies you’ll find on streaming.👾🕷☢️

Haiku of the Week

Part II of the May Mutant Monsters series.

bad chemical spill
causes chaos at the plant,
forced evolution

Haiku of the Week

Our theme this month is campfire creatures.

musty pine cabin
a beast roams the campgrounds
summer’s first moon