Wicked Art Wednesdays – Kellen Carranza

The theme this month is Dystopian Halloween. What Halloween traditions survive a post-apocalyptic landscape will be up to the survivors. For some of us, Halloween is instilled in our soul. We’ll easily find a way to celebrate the dead. That’s what comes to mind when I found this awesome spooky art from Kellen Carranza.

Halloween Dias De Los Muertos Sci Fi Chica Tattoos Pumpkin Skulls and Sneakers

Artist: Kellen Carranza
Where to Purchase Goods:

Spooky Spring Photo Challenge

Celebrating May Day with a 25-day photo challenge. Head on over to Instagram and post your favorite photos representing Spooky Spring. Join in any day!

Don’t forget to tag your pics using #spookyspringphotochallenge

HH Spooky Spring Photo Challenge Redux


Recipe Corner – August 2018

Halloween night is one of the most hectic nights of the year for working parents. They need quick and easy dinners to whip up, while getting the kids ready for trick or treating.  Well, the folks over at Plain Chicken nearly broke Pinterest after posting this stuffed pizza recipe. Spooky Pizza Skulls are fast, easy, and frightfully fun!

pizza skulls (1) copy font
Photo by PlainChicken.com

Seriously, this has gotta be the most perfect Halloween dinner.


  • 1 (13.8-oz) can refrigerated pizza dough
  • 6 Tbsp pizza sauce
  • 1-1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup cooked and crumbled Italian sausage
  • 24 slices pepperoni, chopped

You can find the whole recipe with instructions over at:

pizza skull pan by nordic

Everyone is dying to make this recipe for Pizza Skulls.  So, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself a skull pan from Amazon or Williams Sonoma and Happy Halloween!