Special St. Patrick’s Day Poem: Just My Luck

Met a leprechaun in a pub
drinking whiskey and rum.
How would you like
to have some mischievous fun?
‘Follow me into the wood
when the moon is full.
I show you a pot of gold
seen only by fools.
When you return after biscuits and tea,
look for the red ribbon tied to a tree.’
I saw a twinkle in his eye and did not care.
I thought only of the pot of gold he was
willing to share.
‘What’s mine is yours’ he went on to say,
‘as long as you remember the way.’
So, I followed the wee man into the forest.
The pot of gold was there,
just like he foretold it.
Come the next morn, I realized my gaffe,
every tree bore a red ribbon and the sound of his laugh.

Leprechaun ©ScottPadgett/Skinwerks